
A Lenten Journey

“Lent is a time when we relive the Passion of Christ.  Let it not be just a time when our feelings are roused, but let it be a change that comes through cooperation with God’s grace in real sacrifices of self” (Mother Teresa of Calcutta). Into The Desert Into the desert . . . I keep […]

Into the Desert

“Prayer and converse with God is a supreme good: it is a partnership and union with God. As the eyes of the body are enlightened when they see light, so our spirit, when it is intent on God, is illumined by his infinite light. I do not mean the prayer of outward observance but prayer […]

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday . . . now we enter into the Sacred Season of Lent. A special graced time to prepare our hearts for a greater participation and remembrance of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.  During these weeks, we allow His sentiments to shape and renew us as we walk with Him . . . and […]

Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane

Throughout the world, many are celebrating Mardi Gras… while we observe a special Passionist memorial in our Liturgy–Jesus at Prayer in Gethsemane.  Gethsemane . . . the curtain which opens the beginning of Christ’s Hour of Suffering.  So . . . we seek to pray beside Him, in spirit, and with the Angel, offer Him […]