
A Lenten Journey

“Lent is a time when we relive the Passion of Christ.  Let it not be just a time when our feelings are roused, but let it be a change that comes through cooperation with God’s grace in real sacrifices of self” (Mother Teresa of Calcutta).

Into The Desert

Into the desert . . .
I keep within my heart
a Lenten vigil
of silence and prayer

The contemplation
of Christ’s Suffering Face
become the atmosphere
for new growth in virtue
and blossoms into
His Love, Humility and
a charity
that branches out
an embrace of all the world
filling it with
the Fragrance of Christ

Behold . . .
how the Lenten desert
brings forth new life
each tender “bud” — the virtues
blossoms forth
beneath the Sacred Gaze of Jesus
from the Wood of His Cross.

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