
Vocation Discernment Weekends

Mass | Prayer with the Community (Divine Office, Rosary) | Adoration | Discussions about Contemplative Life | Time for Private Prayer/Reading

Online Vocation Questions & Answers

Learn about cloistered contemplative Passionist life
Presentation | Short Video Clips | Questions and Answers

For more information, please contact:

Sr. Mary Grace, CP

Vocation Director



Discerning the Call

Do you wonder if you might have a call to Religious Life? Have you been seized by the love of Christ and have a desire to give your self completely to Him, to belong solely to Him? Jesus invites you; “What are you looking for?” (Jn 1:38) He offers Himself as the decisive response to the longing deep within your heart.

How beautiful it is to follow the Lord Jesus with an undivided heart. Do you want to keep Him company in His Passion? Do you have a yearning to be a radiant witness to His mercy and tenderness for all, especially for the suffering and the spiritually poor?

Do you have the affective, cultural, and spiritual maturity to live in solitude as well as in a close knit community? Do you have good physical health and psychological balance?

If you are an unmarried woman between the ages of 18-40, a practicing Roman Catholic in love with our Lord and His Church, and have answered “yes” to the above questions, please join us for a few days of discernment.

"Wait on the loving breath of the Holy Spirit and live entirely abandoned in the divine arms of Jesus Christ, who is mindful of the state of life you should embrace."
St. Paul of the Cross

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"How blessed you are!
...With so much love He calls you and chooses you from thousands."

Aspirancy: 1 year
This period involves some live-in discernment experience with the community. During this time, the aspirant becomes familiar with contemplative life, is introduced to the Passionist charism and spirituality, and learns about our community.

"I would want your heart to be a true altar on which the gentle Jesus is always exposed."
St. Paul of the Cross

Postulancy: 1 year
The Postulancy prepares the candidate to enter the novitiate. This experience helps the candidate to gradually acquire the spiritual and psychological dispositions as well as the human and affective maturity necessary for contemplative life.

"Be most faithful in remaining in interior solitude...
entirely clothed in Jesus Crucified"
St. Paul of the Cross

Novitiate: 2 years
The novice enters a period of study and preparation for profession of vows.

"My heart will no longer be mine,...
My heart will belong only to God: He is my love!"
St. Paul of the Cross, Founder

Post-novitiate: 5 years
Temporary vows are made initially for a period of three years and then renewed yearly for two years for a total of 5 years before perpetual profession of vows.

"Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!"
Psalm 84:4